Human Handover

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A human handover (also human takeover, human handoff) is the forwarding of a conversation from a human to a real person. Chatbot to a real human being.

The term Human Takeover is usually used when the conversation is not handed over, but the person actively takes over a conversation.

Trigger for the Human Handover

A human handover can be triggered by different scenarios:

  • Explicit question of the beneficiaries for a person
  • The chatbot doesn't know the answer to a certain question (default fallback intent is hit)
  • The chatbot is not confident enough (low confidence level)
  • The sentiment of the users shows a negative value (Sentiment Score)
  • A specific intent is made where human intervention is desired or required
  • Certain metrics, such as the shopping cart of an online shop, contain products worth > 1,000 €.

Warm/ Cold Human Handover

A warm handover refers to the immediate forwarding of the user to a staff member. The human response is played out to the user promptly and in the same channel.

A cold handover, on the other hand, interrupts the flow of conversation and/or changes the channel. A common example of this is a handover from Facebook Messenger to the email channel.

Tools for Human Handover

A handover can be integrated into various tools:

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