On Premise Chatbots

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Chatbots that are able to work independently of external services are considered on premise chatbots. On Premise can therefore be seen as the counterpart to a cloud. [1]

This approach ensures that conversations of the bot do not reach third-party providers. It follows, however, that services for the artificial intelligence of a bot can no longer be obtained from cloud providers such as Google Dialogflow. Natural language understanding must therefore either be developed in-house or rely on open source and on premise solutions. Examples would be RASA, ana.chat or botpress. [2,3]

Another approach is the hybrid cloud. Here, cloud components are mixed with on premise solutions. [4] This ensures control over conversations and, at the same time, complex services such as Dialogflow for Natural Language Processing can be obtained from the cloud. [5]

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[1] Seo-United, What is On Premise? [https://www.seo-united.de/glossar/on-premises/
[2] ana.chat [https://www.ana.chat/
[3] botpress [5] https://botpress.io/
[4] NetApp, What is a hybrid cloud? https://www.netapp.com/de/info/what-is-hybrid-cloud.aspx
[5] DialogFlow https://dialogflow.com/