A chatbot trying to understand how to optimize user experience

20 tips for developing and optimising voice & chatbots

"Chatbots?" - "I've only had bad experiences with them!"Such...

Chatbot with text message

Acceptance of chatbots - Do my customers even want to use a virtual assistant?

When companies are considering the use of voice and chatbots, the...

Chatbot for different target groups

The BOTfriends Persona Canvas - 10 steps to really understand your target group | Part 2

BOTfriends Persona Canvas The target groups of a chatbot are so diverse,...

Chatbot with question mark

The BOTfriends Persona Canvas - 10 steps to really understand your target group | Part 1

BOTfriends Persona Canvas The target groups of a chatbot are so diverse,...

Error message with chatbot

How to create user-friendly error messages for chatbots

Those of you who have ever written a chatbot are....