AI Chatbot & VoicebotCase Studies

Numerous companies from a wide range of industries rely on the virtual assistants from BOTfriends.
As a strong partner, we are always at their side from the start of the project until after the go-live.

These customers already trust us. When are you in?


How ROLLER offers excellent service thanks to a chatbot and handles complaints automatically with a smart AI workflow.

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TUI Cruises relies on BOTfriends

How TUI Cruises uses chatbot Thies to handle up to 70,000 conversations a month during peak times.

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vTours reference logo

How chatbot Vito answers 50% of all FAQ questions and thus relieves the employees.

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KAGes Chatbot Robert
Steiermärkische Krankenanstalten GmbH (KAGes)

HR Chatbot Robert is available to employees 24/7 - and recognizes 97.5% of all requests.

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Süwag Case Study Screenshot
Süwag relies on BOTfriends

How the chatbot answers standard questions and achieves top marks in customer service.

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Herolé logo

How Herolé is improving the quality and accessibility of its customer service with AI chatbot Hermine.

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Steiermärkische Krankenanstalten GmbH (KAGes)

HR chatbot Edda supports applicants in the application process - and recognizes 98% of all inquiries.

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from BOTfriends successfully. Time to find out for yourself.

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