Chatbot Case Study
How vtours chatbot Vito answers 50% of all FAQ questions and thus relieves the employees.
"We are very happy with our chatbot Vito and the support from BOTfriends! They always support us with new ideas and incorporate our feedback into the expansion of the platform. I can speak for our customer service team when I say that Vito does a great job and leads to the relief of our colleagues. Most importantly though, the customer always gets a solution or a hint on who can help them with more complex issues."
Guido Messere
Director Service Center
Company size
18.000+ employees:inside
HR Chatbot
These customers already trust us. When are you in?
97 %
Response detection achieved through targeted data analysis of conversations
50 %
of all FAQ requests are handled by the chatbot
Most frequent questions
Info about the flight
Payment info
Info about invoices
Info travel documents is a dynamic tour operator for any type of travel. Whether package tour for the family, as a couple or even as a single. Beach, active, wellness or city vacations. At vtours, they are enthusiastic about innovation and focused on further development in the various areas of the company.
In this case study you will learn how chatbot Vito relieved the customer service at vtours.
Customer service in the travel industry is a highly emotional topic. Customers' haste and impatience, as well as situations of frustration, are the daily picture in customer service. In addition to the usual inquiries about invoices, payment terms and flight status, the Corona pandemic brought a flood of new and acute inquiries.
In addition, the staff:ing shortage resulting from Corona forced hotlines to be shut down, which led to a high level of dissatisfaction among travelers.
Via the website, chatbot Vito is available around the clock for customers and their questions. The high volume of first-level inquiries to the service team was visibly reduced within 6 months and the employees now devote themselves to short-term and more complex inquiries.
If Vito doesn't know what to do, or if a service employee is needed, the chatbot offers customers a callback service, a contact form, and a short-term hotline.
The numbers in the Analytics tool on the BOTfriends X platform and the monthly increase in new conversations clearly show Vito's success since going live in March 2022.
An important reason for the increase of over 300% in new conversations is the tightly scheduled training of the chatbot by the two-person service process management team at vtours.
The regular exchange between the chatbot managers at vtours and their BOTfriends account manager also provided impulses for improvement and growth of the chatbot.
With Vito, customers were provided with positive, engaging and trustworthy first-level communication.
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Learn in detail how vtours provides excellent support around the clock.