Conversational Design
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Conversational design is one of the most important parts of the chatbot development process. It is the cornerstone of a good chatbot user experience. This phase takes place before the actual technical development. The following aspects are examined in more detail:
Use Case Definition
Chatbots can be used everywhere where communication takes place. Therefore, it is important in conversational design to identify the exact problems that can be solved with chatbots in order to create clear added value. In this conception phase, the goals that the chatbot should fulfil are also worked out. Then, as in classic development, user stories are created that contain the functions of the chatbot.
"If chatbots can convince your customers that they're human, but can't resolve their issues, what are you really accomplishing." Kevin McMahon - Director of mobile development, SPR Consulting
Target group definition
Many decisions in the conception phase depend on the actual users of the chatbot. In order to identify the exact target group of the chatbot, so-called personas, i.e. archetypal users, are developed. These represent the user groups of the chatbot. As a rule, very different personas are created in order to get a good picture of the user group. When creating a persona, characteristics such as name, age, place of residence, education or their level of digitalisation are defined. Most important are the needs of the target group, which the chatbot should address.
Chatbot personality and tonality
The chatbot is seen as a representative of the company, which it represents in conversations with users. The value system and the tone of the company should also be reflected in the language of the chatbot. Therefore, a detailed personality or character is attributed to the chatbot, with a fixed value system. This is necessary to maintain a tonewhen formulating the chatbot's responses.
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